"Forb" is term used to signify flowering plants that are not trees, shrubs or grassy plants. It's especially in common use among professionals who are concerned with the function of plants, such as restoration ecologists. It's important to realize that grasses and their relatives DO have flowers, but they are quite different from most other flowering plants.
"Forb" is term used to signify flowering plants that are not trees, shrubs or grassy plants. It's especially in common use among professionals who are concerned with the function of plants, such as restoration ecologists. It's important to realize that grasses and their relatives DO have flowers, but they are quite different from most other flowering plants.
A couple of these links have lists of plants made for particular trail activities--maybe in the future we'll have time to divide these up into separate pages .Most of these links take you to pages about plants that have been highlighted by our trailside signs that use QR codes. They are loosely organized in the order in which they appear on the trail throughout the growing season