Volunteer Information
There are numerous ways to learn more about local plants and animals, care of natural lands, and a wide range of topics through becoming part of the Cynwyd HeritageTrail volunteer corp. Link this this form and let you tell us what your interests are.
Before you come to the trail for volunteer work be sure to sign the waiver. Minors need to have the form signed by a guardian.
We ask that repeat volunteers renew their waiver monthly.
The schedule of volunteer events is updated regularly.
The video collection below includes instructions for helping to promote the growth of desirable plant species along the trail. Be sure to watch the trail safety video before starting.
Safety information, including link to volunteer waiver form.
Dealing with mugwort on the trail.
How to help by cutting garlic mustard.
How to control Japanese knotweed along the trail
Video on invasive vine removal.
Picking up trash on the trail