Native Plant Nursery
In the spring of 2021 a long-term goal was realized when a native plant nursery was established on the grounds of the Cynwyd Club. Sincere thanks to Bruce Reed and Stacie and Matt Forman, Cynwyd Club members who donated funds for the labor and material to make the covered cold frames and install the rain barrel. We also thank Bill Halpin, a dedicated volunteer who donated the rain barrel and installed the wire covers on the beds to keep out deer and groundhogs. Shane Colemen, Manager of the Cynwyd Club, has helped with logistics and we are especially grateful to Shane and the members of the Club for allowing us to use this space.
In the spring of 2021 a long-term goal was realized when a native plant nursery was established on the grounds of the Cynwyd Club. Sincere thanks to Bruce Reed and Stacie and Matt Forman, Cynwyd Club members who donated funds for the labor and material to make the covered cold frames and install the rain barrel. We also thank Bill Halpin, a dedicated volunteer who donated the rain barrel and installed the wire covers on the beds to keep out deer and groundhogs. Shane Colemen, Manager of the Cynwyd Club, has helped with logistics and we are especially grateful to Shane and the members of the Club for allowing us to use this space.
Storing purchased plants
Storing purchased plants
The best selection of shrubs and trees can be had early in the season and there are discounts for purchasing all plants at once. But with our relatively small volunteer crew, we can't plant everything over a short period. Now we have a safe place to store plants and keep them healthy so we can plant over a longer period. Plugs and tree seedlings typically require daily watering, so it's helpful to have the rain barrel close by.
The best selection of shrubs and trees can be had early in the season and there are discounts for purchasing all plants at once. But with our relatively small volunteer crew, we can't plant everything over a short period. Now we have a safe place to store plants and keep them healthy so we can plant over a longer period. Plugs and tree seedlings typically require daily watering, so it's helpful to have the rain barrel close by.
Photo by G. Manos
Photo by G. Manos
Starting plants from seed
Starting plants from seed
We have many good native plants on the trail that we would like to spread around, and we do collect and distribute seeds from one place to another. Now we can also use those seeds to start plants (like the trumpet vine pictured at the left) so it's easier to get the right plant for the right place. We can also germinate appropriate native seeds from vendors to increase the diversity of our native plants on the trail. Many native plant seeds require special conditions before germination, such as weeks or months of temperatures below freezing.
We have many good native plants on the trail that we would like to spread around, and we do collect and distribute seeds from one place to another. Now we can also use those seeds to start plants (like the trumpet vine pictured at the left) so it's easier to get the right plant for the right place. We can also germinate appropriate native seeds from vendors to increase the diversity of our native plants on the trail. Many native plant seeds require special conditions before germination, such as weeks or months of temperatures below freezing.
Cuttings and live staking
Cuttings and live staking
Some areas along the creek have steep banks subject to erosion by stormwater runoff. Vegetation is needed to help stabilize these banks, but because of the slope, it is very difficult to dig holes for plants without further eroding the slope. Instead, a common practice involves cutting stakes of dormant shrubs like dogwood and willow and inserting the stakes directly into the bank. It is also possible to root cuttings of some shrubs for planting later in the season. Now we have a place to store and/or root cuttings so we can help prevent more erosion along the stream banks.
Some areas along the creek have steep banks subject to erosion by stormwater runoff. Vegetation is needed to help stabilize these banks, but because of the slope, it is very difficult to dig holes for plants without further eroding the slope. Instead, a common practice involves cutting stakes of dormant shrubs like dogwood and willow and inserting the stakes directly into the bank. It is also possible to root cuttings of some shrubs for planting later in the season. Now we have a place to store and/or root cuttings so we can help prevent more erosion along the stream banks.