
Donate or Become a Member Today

To Become a Member or Renew a Membership

We accept all donations no matter how small. A basic membership starts at only $35, but your additional dollars help us steward and improve this two-mile trail used by thousands of people each year to walk, bike, run, and congregate. With a diversity of trees, plant life, meadows, grass, pavement, and creeks, every dollar helps this volunteer-run organization do its work. 

We gratefully acknowledge all who have helped us in the past and look forward to growing our organization's reach and impact with YOU!  

To join and/or donate via credit card, complete the form below.

To join and/or donate via check:

The Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail, PO Box 695, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

EIN: 26-3986750 

Does your company match your donations? Submit your gift and double your impact!

NOTE: The Friends may list its members and donors in promotional materials.  If you would prefer to remain anonymous in these materials, please let us know.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or comments.

Your Dollars At Work

Two people digging a hole

Your funds preserve this natural resource for our community today and for future generations